Sunday, 12 August 2012

On testing and learning

For the past couple of weeks at $EMPLOYER$, we've had a trainer in who specialises in teaching test-driven development to programming teams who have shown any interest (or have been told that they really ought to develop an interest) in trying this particular method of writing software. And during this time, I've had three things pop into my head:

First, IntelliJ, when used by someone who is familiar with the Refactor menu, is like magic. Yes, I know that there was a lot of work that went into making sure that the IDE knows about (or can readily track down) all the references to a particular method, the methods on an interface, the number of usages of a particular method, and all that. A lot of work went into it. But, to quote Sir Arthur C Clarke, Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Thus, I insist that IntelliJ is magic.

Secondly, test driven development, done right, is a completely different paradigm to programming than any of us in the office are used to, familiar with, or, dare I say it, comfortable with. We learned to write software by breaking the requirements down into discrete, modelable chunks, establishing a rough idea of how these chunks interact with each other, and having at it. Once fairly complete pieces of code are done, tests are usually written, and primarily as an afterthought--"Did I do that right?" TDD turns this completely on its head. You read through the requirements, and pick one that you can test. Then you write a unit test that will verify that the chosen requirement is satisfied. This unit test should not pass. Now, you write the bare minimum amount of code necessary to satisfy that requirement. Absolute bare minimum; make it as simple as possible. You don't even make new classes, just put new methods into your test class. Repeat until the methods in your test class start to develop some structure. This is the point where you start refactoring the code into standalone classes. Don't worry, it's supposed to be hard to wrap your head around.

If you've never developed according to TDD before, it will be unlike anything you've ever done. But the strange thing is, if you strip out the source code that supports a fully developed test suite, anyone else will be able reimplement your code, almost exactly as you did, in a fraction of the time. TDD does not, contrary to popular belief, double your development time, because you still only write the code once. It does, however, give you full test coverage, which means that when you go bug hunting, you can be sure that you won't introduce new bugs!

Finally, I was reminded of something that's very important to keep in mind as a professional programmer: you don't know everything. Not only are you not perfect, but there's always something to learn. There might be a better way to accomplish the task you're trying to achieve, and it's vitally important to be open to this possibility, or it will be far harder to grow as a professional than it deserves to be.

I heard a line in a software engineering class I took while I was taking my degree: "in a room full of programmers, if any two agree on something, then they have a majority opinion." As with a lot of male-dominated technical fields, this is tragically true. Men can be very stubborn, particularly when, in essence, we're being paid to Get It Right, Damn It! The job of a programmer is to write bug-free code, so there's a bit of a tendency to develop an inappropriate confidence in your ability. Taken to the extreme, we become arrogant, to an extent that some programmers, after coming to an opinion about a topic, will be absolutely immovable in their opinion until (and in some cases, despite) they have been proven wrong. You can't just tell these guys, "Hey, I find that with this other technique, there's thus-and-such a benefit," you actually have to demonstrate an improvement over their technique... and God help you if your difference of opinion is in coding style. I once had an argument that dragged out, off and on, over days, about the potential side-effect reduction benefit of preferring prefix to postfix increment and decrement operators, when compared against how many decades of programmers are familiar with postfix courtesy of K&R.

Here's an important thing to remember: Even Knuth got it wrong on occasion, and offered a bug bounty. Kernighan and Ritchie admitted that the code samples in their book weren't perfect. Hell, if you think the Turing machine sprung from Turing's head, fully formed, I guarantee you're fooling yourself.

There's always something more to learn. If someone is going around claiming that their method of doing a thing is a good way of doing things, listen. They might just be right, and if you can teach them (and not browbeat them, preferably) if they're wrong, then everyone wins. And if learning a new programming technique, which is completely alien to everything you've done before, is the best way to be reminded of this fact, then so be it. I'm just looking forward to figuring out ways of having my programming tools force me to actually follow this technique, because I think maximising test coverage is a bare minimum for going from merely writing software to actually engineering it.

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