Monday, 29 October 2012

Why Do Not Track doesn't really matter to me

It seems that every couple of weeks, a new article crosses Boing Boing or Slashdot about Do Not Track. Not too long ago, it came out that Microsoft was going to launch Internet Explorer 10 with DNT switched on by default, and all the advertisers were up in arms. Now, Yahoo! has announced that, as a response (read: a "fuck you") to Microsoft, they're going to ignore DNT if the visitor is using IE10, because they can't rely on it truly being a reflection of the user's preference. Fine. It's certainly their prerogative whether or not they intend to adhere to it; it's not as though DNT is a required thing. But in looking inito this very public pissing contest about Do Not Track, I discovered that Microsoft isn't actually doing anything that goes against the standard.

So, without further ado, a few things any Web service provider needs to know about Do Not Track:
  1. Do Not Track is not mandatory for providers. DNT is not a requirement for servers. Though a standard is being drawn up for it, respecting that header is purely voluntary. Even indicating that you're respecting the header is voluntary; the W3C draft only defines the response header as something that a server MAY send. Besides, with the standard only in Working Draft status, implementing it at this time may mean that you may have to go back and re-implement Do Not Track... never mind the fact that Yahoo! is being pretty public about intending to ignore it. I really doubt that Web browsers will do much more than say "part of this page didn't return the DNT header", at worst, if a provider decides not to adhere to it, and even that seems unlikely.
  2. Most providers don't have to care. DNT only pertains to tracking done by third-party providers to a Web visit. The canonical example of this is an advertiser, such as DoubleClick. DART ads are damn near everywhere on the Web, and I have to admit it's downright spooky when I look at the Roots Canada online catalogue one day, and for the next three days, every ad I see is suddenly Roots, where they'd never appeared before. Clearly, DoubleClick is watching you. But like I say, unless you're providing content that will be included in another organisation's Web pages, then Do Not Track does not apply to your service, and you can go on ignoring it. An exception is that if your service is forwarding tracking data to a third party on the server side, then you'd actually need to worry about what the DNT header contains, if you're bothering to adhere to it at all. However, most providers prefer to offload as much of that work to the user agent, for the sake of apparent site speed, so, like I say, most providers don't have to care.
  3. Enabled-by-default isn't actually prohibited by the W3C Working Draft. When Microsoft announced that IE10 would switch on DNT by default, this was a valid option, according to the (in-progress) standard. Only in the most recent revision, dated 2 October, was the default specifically stated to be "assume no preference has been expressed." Until then, the standard only stated that intermediary services (such as proxies) may not change what preference is or is not indicated. Currently, the standard states, “A user agent MUST have a default tracking preference of unset (not enabled) unless a specific tracking preference is implied by the decision to use that agent.” Microsoft has publicly stated that their new browser will enabled DNT by default. Certainly there will be clear statements in all the marketing materials to this effect. It’s clearly a safe assumption that use of IE10 implies a specific tracking preference on the part of the user.
  4. The "Acceptable Uses" definition makes a lot of DNT irrelevant for even third-party content providers. My biggest concern about Do Not Track was around maintaining security audit information. Good news! That's one of many acceptable uses of tracking data, that allow a provider to largely ignore the Do Not Track header. The only stipulation made, when claiming "acceptable use" is that you don't pass on that stored data (which you shouldn't anyway), and that you don't use it to personalise ads. That, right there, is the entire crux of Do Not Track: not personalising ads. Track all the information you want, just don't share it and don't expose that you're doing it.
  5. Most, if not all, browsers provide a mechanism to pop up a dialog when a site wants to store a cookie. For the most part, browsers already have the technology to largely prevent effective multi-site tracking by advertising providers. While Do Not Track is a little more comprehensive, simply refusing to allow, say, to put a cookie in your browser goes a long way to preventing the, from following you around the web. Granted, it would force users to investigate the options on their browsers (and I am feeling a little cynical right now about the motivations of users), but I don't think it's really asking too much that a person learn about the tools they're using.
So, as someone writing a Web application that I'd love to have other people use, how much do I really need to care about Do Not Track? As it turns out, not much. Not adhering to it, in all likelihood, won't affect interoperability, but if it seems like it is, I'll just need to add one file, in one location, indicating that my service is a first-party service, and that's the end of that.

All in all, I don't really think Do Not Track has much in the way of teeth. The advertisers that it's mostly aimed at are such behemoths in terms of coverage that even without being able to personalise some fraction of the users' ads, that they'll still be making money hand over fist. And the advertisers will continue to be able to track you... they just won't be able to make it obvious.

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