I believe I’ve found that a previous entry, A Model! A Model! My kingdom for a Model!, was written, perhaps, a little hastily. Some further analysis, and review of another Zend-based project, has revealed that the Zend_Db functions do provide some Model functionality, with the Zend_Db_Table and Zend_Db_Tablerow classes.
However, I maintain that they’re ineffective as a Model, if for no other reason than it restricts to user to thinking of Models as extensions of the database. This is simply not true. The Model should just exist as an abstract, and if the application requires for the majority of the Models to be stored in a database, then by all means, it should put them there. But the framework shouldn't necessarily require it.
I’ve come to that opinion while working on my own ZF application template. I realised over the Christmas holidays that my own Model class is somewhat restrictive… because it requires the database! I've since forgotten how I came up with the idea—I think it had something to do with storing uploaded images in the filesystem, rather than as binary blobs in a database, that I realised that a Model should really be more like an interface, with find(), set(), write(), &c. methods that need to be implemented by, say, a triad of DatabaseModel, FileModel and MemoryModel classes. Perhaps even a SessionModel or CookieModel, but I think that might be pushing it.
I’ve been giving this same notion a little bit of thought over my recent hacking runs as a solution to a problem I’ve been running into. What's happening is that I want to implement a combination flash messenger and logger. Why? Well, it’s (I hope) fairly simple.
During a given execution of the application, any number of messages may need to be delivered to the user. Say, for example, a user wants to upload five images to the application. Four of them work, and we want to tell the user this, but one of them failed, and we want to tell the user this, as well. ZF’s FlashMessenger can kind of do that, but either all the messages have to appear in the same context, or the messages have to be rendered on the way into the messenger. This isn’t ideal, for the simple reason that it’s putting View logic into a Model. Thanks, but no.
So, I thought that, since I’m already using Zend_Log to capture runtime information that I might want displayed in a debugging situation, maybe I could pull the logged information out of that in the layout. No such luck; Zend_Log doesn’t let me access its writers. After that, maybe I can write my own Zend_Log to write to a Zend_View’s placeholder, right?
If only it were actually that simple. I don’t really want to think about how much extra effort that’s going to involve, wading through the verbose, but less-than-useful ZF Reference Guide, the less-verbose, sometimes-useful ZF APIs, and just digging through the actual code to figure out how all this stuff fits together.
Or, I could just go the route I’ve already been going with my Model and Database classes, and roll my own functionality that does what I need it to do. Part of the point of this project was to identify the parts of ZF that fall short of what I, and possibly other programmers, need, and fill in what’s missing. To have a skeleton of an application pre-built that offers a lot of highly-useful, rarely-requested features.
I’m starting to think that as time goes on, I might wind up having to replace some more core elements of any MVC framework so that things in my own stuff work together more smoothly. God knows, I might even wind up building my own framework out of this!
How that affects my desire to move away from PHP and towards Python is, as yet, unknown, but it might help. It’ll certainly provide a hell of a groundwork for a first project in a new language!